Saturday, January 17, 2009


Here is the latest on the Tractor Supply issue (in the former Ames Plaza) as confirmed to us by the Village Building Inspector. He has received the request for building permit, and is reviewing the request and checking it to see that it meets with the village code. It goes to the Village Planning Board for review and they make a recommendation to the Village Board as to whether or not to approve this project. The next Planning Board Meeting is next week Wednesday January 21 at 7:30pm at the Village Hall. (Where they may or my not have questions, or requests that go back to Tractor Supply before making their decision.)

We all know that everything must be done to ensure that this project goes forward, and in a timely fashion. We all know the importance of revitalizing the old Ames Plaza ESPECIALLY now in these terrible economic times.

We need you to do several things (AT LEAST one of them)and do them very quickly! Please try to attend the Planning Board meeting. Although the public is not expected to be allowed to speak at the meeting (unless invited), just your attendence sends a message. You can also always speak to the members either before or after the meeting. Or you can all them prior. Planning Board members are:
David Metz (Chair), Susan DeWitt (Vice Chair), Charles Airey, Douglas Henry, Noel Harris, and Paul Werner

We encourage you to also do the same at any of the regularly scheduled Village Board meetings (after all, the decision is ultimately theirs to make). There is "business from the floor" on the agenda at every meeting, and we encourage you to make it a point at the time to express your support of this project.

Visit the Village website at for more information, including the names of the Village Trustees. You can contact ALL of them!

If you are unable to attend either of these, or IN ADDITION, please write a letter addressed to Mayor Richard Kegler expressing your sincere support of this project, sighting the importance of working together with Tractor Supply, and that this could open the door to additional businesses in this plaza.

We proven how power a large influx of letters can be...prove it again!!!

A few issues that need to be solved is the limited parking that will now occur, due to the fact that Tractor Supply has applied to put some of their produce outside in a fenced in area, and the issue of snow removal, which was usually stored in the area where the enclosure is scheduled to be. The ARRG has volunteered that each member will visit the plaza once a week in the winter, and put a shovelful or two in the trunks of their cars or backs of their trucks and haul it home, if needed.

We encourage you to send us your comments about the proposed project and share your thoughts with others!

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