Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We are happy to announce that some ARRG members have been chosen to be on the Master Plan Committee!!

including Michele Hoffman, Gerald Aldinger, and Paul Loehr.

Also on this committee are:
Ron Smith, Bill Weber, Beth Downing, Rick Savage, Chris Gust, Ralph Witt,
Bruce Sitzman, someone from the school (to be announced), someone from the county (to be announced), and Colleen Rogers (aka secretary to Ron Smith)

It has yet to be determined whether the meetings will be open to the public; and we will report our findings. This will be a year long commitment by these people, and we are grateful (especially to the ARRG members) who are volunteering their time and energy
to protect our interests. The project is overseen by Wendell Duchsherer Engineers.

If you wish to send your comments and suggestions to us, we'll forward them to the ARRG committee members. Or contact them directly.

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