Sunday, July 22, 2007


"Just watched the PBS special and checked the other links. Great information-- everyone should see these movies. If only the pro-Walmarters would realize what is really going on and what this fight is about" C.H.

I would like to be added to the petition against the proposed Walmart. My husband and I moved here almost 5 years ago because this location was ideal. It is a small town, a friendly community, and has lovely greenspace, quite different from the inner city of Buffalo where we moved from. If I wanted to have a Walmart nearby I would have never left the city. Thank you very much! K.S.

"Hello, Here's an interesting article from the Buffalo News. (see below) Look what we'll have to look forward to if this project is approved here in Alden. I have friends who live in Cheektowaga near the Wal-mart, and have to leave their doors and windows closed ALL YEAR LONG! C.S.S.
(Walmart Neighbors Want Homes Washed/Lancaster, NY)

Below is today's comments in Everybody's Column in the Buffalo News
An Alden Wal-Mart would be near ruinous

"A Wal-Mart in Alden would be a major mistake. It is a small quaint peaceful town. Longtime residents came there for that reason. Newer residents who argue for it think that it is the next best thing to sliced bread. They should have thought about how far the drive was to shop before they moved to Alden.

Yes, Broadway can be enlarged as Ralph Witt of the town planning board stated. Now it is a pleasure to drive, as we do most Sundays. Would that remain so? I think not. A 95-acre project for a superstore and other big box stores would put an end to that. Change and growth are wonderful, but do not ruin a small town’s life.

East Aurora fought and won against a Wal-Mart. They had the foresight to envision what could happen. The planning board should think ahead about 25 years. Is Broadway going to be another Niagara Falls Boulevard?"

Joan Kirsch

Also, in Everybody's Column, Buffalo News , published earlier this week:
An Alden Wal-Mart shouldn’t need breaks

"The proposed Wal-Mart in Alden is controversial to many residents, and political issues are being fought. The ethical question about this is: Why are there tax breaks for a company that wants to come here so badly? It will get millions in profits, and the residents who stand to lose the most will get nothing. Our nice town will get increased traffic and garbage, ruining the atmosphere I moved here for.

If my taxes went down more than the estimated $35, or the impact could effectively be minimized, it might not be as bad. Other Wal-Mart stores I shop at have these problems, but are more appropriate for their locations. God save America and my back yard. "

Tyler Weber

Moderator's comments:
If you have facts, personal points of view, and other items of interest that will help to educate others, please send them to us for posting. You are welcome to use your full name, or just initials. It's often hard to take a stand publically because we are criticized for having an opinion that sometimes different from others, but we are entitled to that opinion nevertheless. Afterall, this is America, the foundation of our country.


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