Monday, May 14, 2007




These are personal notes (not from a recording) and it was often hard to hear and hard to follow, so we may have missed some things; but our intent was to be as accurate as possible. We invite you to respond with your comments and questions.

Due to the large attendance, the planning board held the first part of their meeting
(non rezoning related items ) in their board room, then moved to the main meeting hall for
this subject.

While we were waiting for this, we held an impromptu question and answer period. The room was filled to capacity and overflowing!

Roughly 40% of those in attendance were at their first meeting. This is great news!
This proves that the opposition is growing!

One of the subjects we discussed is the mistaken assumption that we are a minority. This is simply not true. If we are a minority, then where were the supporters!?
As usual, they were nowhere to be found.
Our membership totals over 800 Aldenites. The only "organization" of the supporters was a petition from the fall, which merely stated "I want a Wal-Mart in Alden" (no mention of location, size, etc). After eliminating all of the duplicate and triplicate signatures, and the out-of-town residents, their total was only 462.

Many people asked "What can we do to stop this?"
Answers include
1) keep attending meetings
2) be vocal, write letters to the Alden Advertiser
3) put up a sign in your front yard
4) talk to your neighbors, explain the facts.
5) support local independent businesses and tell them why you are shopping there.
LaPalomas, the Country Pride Deli, the Mobil station, Blair's Hardware for example.
6) Attend the Chamber of Commerce dinner next Tues night, May 15 at the Whistle Stop.
Reservations required. The chosen speaker is one who promotes development. The Chamber, although not making an official statement about their position on this project, seems to be supportive of it, neglecting some of their paid members who oppose it.

We were also able to briefly explain the procedure or process. Currently the issue of the rezoning is still with the planning board. They review and make only a "recommendation" to the town board. If they recommend the rezone, then the town board must begin the SEQR process. This involves many legal reports involving environment, traffic, soil, etc.

We also explained that Sherwood, who is Russo's attorney, is also the attorney for the Town of Lancaster, who's board voted unanimously to approve the construction of Walmart
at William and Transit. Mr Russo by his own admission has never built commercial property prior to this enormous project.

We also pointed out that in Walmart's letter of intent to Russo, that they are also demanding control of what competing businesses are allowed or not allowed on the property.

Questions arose asking us if we knew how persons on the planning board or the town board are leaning. Of course, this is not knowledge that we are aware of. And hopefully, no one will make a decision until all of the facts are in. This lead to questions about elections. In a few months there will be announcements of some elections. This project will no doubt, become a major issue. And should be of major interest to all of us.

We also explained that we're focusing on finding retailers for the Ames Plaza. If you can help, please contact us.

So after several minutes, the planning board, Russo and Sherwood filed into the room. It should be noted here that the site plan was submitted earlier in the day to Ralph Witt (planning board chairman and town tax collector). It is we believe the 4th edition of the plan. At the previous three meetings, the planning board repeatedly asked for a full build-out plan. The site plans previously all were vague and not to scale.

Sherwood attempted to explain to the planning board all of the reasons why they should approve this project. He and Russo pointed out that their new site plan now included green space and landscaping and the frontage has changed. Sherwood said the only revision to the site plan was the potential outparcels (sublots). He said, " All traffic feeds into the access road". (that means there will only be one way in and one way out of the proposed strip mall)

Regarding the aquifer, they stated that the report by Earth Dimensions (paid by Russo) shows that the water flows away from the village. Further, Owens (Earth Dimensions) report(s) states that there will be boundary lines of at least 100 feet from any wetlands. They did not do a full delineation (checking the whole property for wetlands) They only did the rezone site. Sherwood also stated that the Village treatment plants are between wells and this site. It will not impact the rezone.

Sherwood referred to a study from 1985 on five aquifers, that included information done by Frey Well Drilling of Alden. It proves that the water drains W and NW, according to Sherwood.

They said that they will do a traffic study (by their engineers). Ron Smith (who was observing this meeting) stated that we would find our own independent engineer to do a traffic study.

Ralph Witt suggested that an archaeological study might also be needed. Sherwood suggested that that was not necessary, since the land had been farmed for years, and there were no major artifacts found prior.

Russ Savage, at last month's meeting (when there was only about 10 people in attendance) stated that we should just approve the sight plan and worry about the small stuff later.
He seemed to change his tune somewhat now that there were 100 citizens listening.

He expressed his concern that no one from Walmart has ever been in attendance. He wants to see something in writing because he's "concerned from the standpoint of our little town". He said, there has been no legal representative from Wal-Mart. They've never seen a party that will occupy the space. He said, "we're on the hook for this decision".

Witt told Sherwood and Russo, that they needed to have all their documents/plans in by the first of the month if they want them to be considered at the meeting (the second Tuesday of each month). Russo said it was almost impossible to get the engineers on it that soon. Witt told him again, that he couldn't bring them (maps, plans) in the day of the meeting.

Mike Metzger (Town Engineer) mentioned that the Town Board is considering including the Planning Board in the SEQR process. Sherwood responded that the Town Board was the lead agency and it may be illegal for them to include the Planning Board.

Mr Sherwood then attempted to scare the board (and us) by saying that he wasn't threatening us, but there could be a law suit (that when Wal-mart has been denied in the past, that litigation usually follows.)

He then went into a long explanation of what happened in Lancaster, which has taken 6 years. Savage said he heard that it takes three to five years and $1 Million (of Town money) before a Wal-Mart is actually built. Sherwood said he didn't see that happening here.

Sherwood asked if the board would have an answer for them on this request for rezone within 30 days after the study. Everybody laughed.

Russ Savage then said, "doesn't Wal-Mart donate large sums of money to towns in return?" (suggested that Wal-mart offer something to the town.) He's heard that they've given $1 million dollars for parks and green space. that's what going to happen? He's suggesting that our town can be BOUGHT???? We can't believe he actually asked this question, in public!!!! Sherwood said he would ask Walmart.

The subject of the traffic study came up again. Supervisor Smith said that the Town will hire a traffic study firm and bill Russo. Sherwood and Russo both asked when that would be? Russo said he had someone ready this month. Smith said they'd let them know. Sherwood started arguing with the Supervisor and Metzger said, "take heed of what the Supervisor said. You don't want to pay for two!"

Russo added, "I will have a traffic study for next meeting". Apparently, he didn't listen!

Ralph Witt said that as many various studies as possible need to be submitted. Sherwood said, "You have to accept what we give you. Otherwise that's illegal".

Mike Metzger, town engineer, responded by saying, "The Town hasn't considered this a complete request until tonight".

After Sherwood and Russo left, Witt opened the floor for some questions and comments(which he doesn't have to allow).

One comment was that Walmart needs to guarantee that they won't abandon their store. And pointed out that they get their goods from China, hire mostly part time, low wages, etc.

Witt said, "they won't abandon their building, they're a smart company". Which of course, got a chuckle from the audience.

Another question asked was if the traffic study would also include feeder roads, like Sandridge, Four Rod, Two Rod. Ralph replied that it would be by professionals.

Another point made by a gentleman expressed his concern about his drinking water, from his well, and for his neighbors. (Pointing out Sherwood's earlier comments regarding the aquifer water flow) Russ Savage replied that it's "unlikely that is will contaminate well water."

The underlying word here is "unlikely".

Zoratti (planning board member) said he didn't believe that Ames Plaza is a good retail location because of the viaduct. Smart woman in the audience said, "Then how will the trucks get to Walmart?" Of course, he had no answer for that.

The members of the planning board then went back to the other room to continue their meeting for other items on the agenda.

Mark your calendar: next planning board meeting is Tues, June 12 @ 7pm.


It's important for everyone to remain active. Attending meetings, writing letters for publication, and posting signs will have a major impact. Major developments that have won their battles, have won because of lack of interest on the part of the town's citizens over time. That won't happen here. We're in this for the "long haul". This is our town, and we are united in our desire to preserve it.

Obtain facts, talk to professionals, investigate allegations, bring them to meetings, share reports with others, support your local independent businesses. We can publish them on our weblog. Visit us often at

We ask that we (you) never repeat "hear-say" but only report facts. We've been accused of "spreading lies" but these accusations are unfounded. We've always been careful when supplying reports to include the sources, and will continue to do so.

We have a tremendous amount of resources within our membership. Whatever help that you can bring is welcome. We need help with finding retailers for the Ames Plaza. So, if you would like to be a part of our "Scouts" committee, please let us know.

All official meetings are open to the public, and it is at the boards' discretion if they will open the floor for discussion or questions. They have most always been very generous in this allowance, and we encourage your respectful yet investigative participation in future meetings.

The town board regular meetings are the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:30pm. The work session is on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 7pm, and the Planning board is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. It isn't always known if this subject is on the agenda. Anytime you can attend any of these meetings, and report your findings to us, we'll post and share with others.
At town hall regular meetings, there is usually always "business from the floor",
which would allow you the opportunity to ask questions or make statements regarding all town matters.

Although we have over 800 members, we only have about 150 email addresses. If you know of others who wish to stay informed, please ask them to provide us with their address. These addresses are kept private.

After the meeting, we heard many comments about how hard it was to hear and how uncomfortably hot it was in the meeting room. Don't let this discourage you from attending future meetings. It's a convenient reason to stay away (convenient for "them"). We imagine that some of our town officials and that Russo and Sherwood would love to see you stay at home. But this is OUR town, and nobody is going to tell us what do to with it!

Communication, research, publications, printing, postage, attorneys: all of this is costly. We accept donations which is used strictly for this purpose. The postcard sent recently about this meeting cost $200. We've established a bank account with our LOCAL INDEPENDENT ALDEN STATE BANK! and have a PO Box #136 at the Alden Post Office. Any donations can be made payable to the Alden Residents for Responsible Growth (or ARRG) and will be GRATEFULLY accepted.


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