Saturday, May 19, 2007


A great job done by Melissa Kosmowski in this week's Alden Advertiser Subscriber Comments: If you don't get the paper, here's what she wrote below. We hope others of you will do the same. If you don't want to write alone, get a group of your friends and neighbors together! Let everybody know that we're going to stop this proposed project!

"Dear Editor:
In response to the last couple of letters concerning WalMart invading Alden. With the guy who doesn't even live here, but says we need one. If you lived here for 70 yrs, and thought it was so far removed from shopping, why did you not move closer to the busy convenient areas? That's along time to put up with driving SO FAR for non necessaries. Betcha the beautiful quiet, and green space was too hard to leave. He probably thought, like others, that one WalMart won't kill that peace and quiet. Well, they do, because they are the pied pipers of ugly big box stores.

Then Martin's letter. He says that "no one can tell me what I can do with my land". Did you ever have to put up a fence, or shed? Can't do that "on your land" without the towns permission. Guess they ARE telling you what to do with your land. I'd like to, especially if it's going to effect the drinking water. He had his enjoyment of the land already. Take the money and pave over it! Money is an awful trade for not being able to walk out your door and take a breathe of fresh air without choking on diesel fumes.

I guess it was a little too much to ask to have Alden stay green. I miss Ames. We've got to focus on filling that store, it's the logical, and environmentally right thing to do.

O.K. confess, I'm a tree hugger. That's why I moved here 16 yrs ago. I loved the small town feel. We've got cute little parades, a nice Farmers market, etc, etc.
Move where it fits your lifestyle. Right? For those who like a plethora of shopping, a traffic signal every half mile, they usually live there, or move closer to, Right? Not always, it's easier to stay put, and just to pave over boring ol' green space, and make every town a busy God forsaking industrial park.

There should be designated towns for people like me, and A LOT of other people here, (Not the minority, as some would like you to believe) who can escape to for peace of mind (and rid me of my WalMart inducing migraine when I do have to go there, and get out of that demolition derby like maze of a parking lot.)

I say fill Ames...they already have a parking lot." Signed Melissa Kosmowski

Letters to the Editor Policy must arrive by Friday prior to publication, no more than 400 words. Must be signed including phone number (number isn't published, but used by the paper only for verification). Emailed letters also need same id. No more than one letter per month by the same author. phone 937-9226 fax 937-9291 email They reserve the right to edit or refuse any letter.

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