Sunday, April 8, 2007


Hello ARRG members
Please mark your calendars!

The monthly planning board meeting is Tues, April 10 at 7pm. We are unaware at this point if Russo (or his attorney Sherwood) is on the agenda, and will send another message if we find out that they are, but remember at an earlier meeting, they weren't even on the agenda, but were allowed to speak. So if you can attend, regardless of whether we know they are on the agenda or not, please do so.

(Last month meeting site plan was again rejected)
Our relentlessness is wearing them down!! Keep it up!!!

Town Board work session Mon, April 9 & Mon April 23 @7pm
Town Board regular meeting Mon, April 16 @ 7:30pm

If you can help out by attending any of these meetings, take notes, and report back to us, it would be greatly appreciated.

Our Scouts Committee is busy making inquiries with potential retailers for the Ames Plaza, and we'll report more when we have made progress. If you'd like to help, please contact us.

Please continue to ask your local retailers to help support the ARRG. We are fighting for their livelihood. If every Aldenite spent just $10 more each month here in Alden with a local retailer, we would generate an additional $1.2 million in our community.

Happy Easter!
from Core Members of ARRG

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