Monday, February 26, 2007

comments from a frustrated Aldenite taxpayer

Ron Folkman wrote and authorized permission for us to post this blog.

Dear ARRG,

Thanks for the new schedule. Any chance that Russo has paid Redstone to price themselves above economic practicality? Maybe Redstone should be nudged with the possibility of "Eminent Domain" being sought. Considering the fact that they (Russo and his attorney) have not yet submitted a viable site plan and moreover have not paid the application fee, they are sure getting a lot of free "Air Time" from all the board members and loyal Aldenites. He's playing with us at our expense.

Then there's Ralph Witt, maybe he needs to be reminded that elected officials are supposed to represent their constituency, be the mouthpiece of those that entrusted him. He apparently thinks that the increased tax revenue from a Wal-Mart plaza outweighs the Will of the People and if he can compel the planning board to give this project the "Nod" that at the end of the day he will emerge with a big feather in his cap.

No one moved here to be pushed around or because the taxes were low but more importantly we didn't move here, stay here, and pay the high taxes in hopes that Broadway would become the next Transit road type corridor.

Lets not let the tail wag the dog, there is strength in numbers and it seems to be working but it just might be time to bring out a bigger hammer. As a business man I am keenly aware that efficiency is a mainstream element of success, that applies to meetings, committees etc. Knowing how much time has been given over to this proposal already and how much more is planned is inane. He (Russo) is not playing by the rules so the proper thing for the planning board, and the town board to tell him is that the charade is over and he will have to come up with another scheme to realize his vision of grandeur.
The bottom line is easily defined by one simple statement. The vast majority of Alden residents do not want their peaceful lifestyle stolen from them so that a few non-Aldenites can reap windfall profits. If that doesn't work, there is always "plan-B", Anyone remember the Boston Tea Party?

Ronald J. Folkman

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